

发布时间 : 2015-09-27 20:16:46    来源 : 读后感网


        Money.  Money...  Lie for it . Spy for it . Kill for it.  Die for it . So you call it trust .  But I say it's just .  In the devil's gme . Of greed and lust . They don't care .  They'd do me for the money .  They use me for the money . So you go to church . Read the holy word .  In the scheme of life . It's all absurd . They don't care . They'd kill for the money . Do or dare . "I'll never betray or deceive you my friend but...  If you show me the cash .  Then I will take it . If you tell me to cry . Then I will fake it .  If you give me a hand . Then I will shake it" . You do anything for money... "Anything . Anything . Anything for money .  Would lie for you .  Would die for you . Even sell my soul to the devil" .

    有些人,就是这样。为了金钱,不惜撒谎;为了金钱,出卖朋友;为了金钱,相互杀戮 ;为了金钱,“把灵魂出卖给恶魔!”但,大多数人明白:金钱没有那么珍贵。

